men hating women
men envying women
men controlling women
women acting like men
to relive the pressure of being a woman
conforming into the same oppressive force over womanhood
becoming like the very being which has sought to make her subservient
and nothing more
but the passive response of man’s expressions and conquests
raising her hand just to “be”
and opening herself up so that “he can”
as “he wills”
and her noncompliance making her heretical
and doomed to be imprisoned or extinguished in Man’s society
so she brings her head low
and lifts her legs high
to manifest the best impression suiting the Man’s uplift
managed, maintained and mastered in between her thighs
and if she shall cry foul or ask for her own terms
then she but malcontent, a defect, a germ
for all she is, is what the man earns
and the best she can be, is if she repeats and learns
that this is a Man’s world
and she will forever have to wait her turn
because this land and life
is ruled by sperm
and so she assimilates, healing herself with Stockholm syndrome
while she pleas to the combatant women to stop their resisting
as she becomes the chief exploiter of this woman who dreams of equal power choice and liberation
because she knows her all too well
she once was just like her
but she woke up and came to her senses
or became a realist
realizing like any gang
“you either get down, or you stay down”
but either way, as she is woman, she will always have to “lay down”
because the man envies what he can not have
and what he can not do
so he controls to bring all into his forceful and distorted view
and the woman is the bringer of this force and view
being taught and reminded every waking moment of her position
suggested upon ad nauseum
there is only so much a student can do
but to become like the master
because the pupil gets tired of looking around and at herself
and not seeing anything
therefore the student dreams to be like the master
so when the master looks
he will at least see her
and so she hates herself
and women alike
and joins the man in this fight
and just like the urban community
full of black on black crime
she perpetuates the woman’s plight
with a woman on woman fight
aided by the man
so she will be on the hamster will eternally
fighting for, gaining and losing the exact same rights
Roe V Wade makes her black
and her Stockholm is nothing different than uncle tom syndrome
or ignorance, and blind compliance for hope of relief
which our systems preys upon and sustains itself with
through the minority communities
especially the black ones
we are just the cruel intentions
of the European Male
whether he knows it or not
but the woman,
she knows that she knows more than any boy-like man
bemoaning power
and that is what makes her involvement or fight
with regard to her conscious and conscience
even harder and more sickening
but what do I know
women and minorities stay oppressed
and impressed upon to further oppress themselves
to which they become shells of themselves
black people hate themselves as well
which is why this sick programming system of conditions work so well
everything is done the same
just named different
Optical Ill-lusions
in other news…
we were watching the news
and I heard a “prisoner” say
“damn, can’t go nowhere
these people is crazy”
a person was shot at subway
for putting too much mayo on a sandwich
imagine how the prisoner feels
when he watches Politicians
imagine how alienated and isolated
the prisoner feels
when he listens to Presidents
imagine how quick the prisoner
flocks to the Preacher
because anything is better than this
but the Preacher
follows the Politician and President
then the prisoner
realizes a deeper prison
all three have become
models and managers
of his imprisonment
when will he/she ever be free?!
Generational Curse (spoken word)
I am a generational curse
I am my generation’s curse
I am the reason my generation is cursed
spewing hatred, I’m hurt!
and I don’t care who gets it-
anyone can get it,
you can get it first!
I may aim this hatred at “you name it”
pick a name or be it nameless,
regardless reputation and just call it reparations!
you can’t structure the lane nor limit the effect and expression of what ‘pain’ is!
no clear definition painted
just scratching the itch that pain is
internal preparation for perpetuated segregation-
imposed on my being like mass incarceration
I was section 8’ed
insecurities and complexes not abated,
I need separation!
white people, all people, back the fuck up!
indoctrinated since educated,
I wasn’t educated…
I’m still not educated
retribution the best solution for defamation
my pride is all I got!
so hold ya tongue in check,
and keep it from character slaying and any semblance of disrespect,
cuz you best not say it!
dedicated to predestinations-
prison, matrix
historical excavation
brings about cultural restoration
foster child to imprisoned man, the highest incentives was and is
nobody visiting anyway
emboldening reservations ’bout preconditions imposed by slavers
onto descendants of slaves
America is one gigantic slaveship
and the flotilla was actually packed in spaceships
predispositions inherited
yet gave birth to Douglas’ and Harriets
railroads and chariots
still, instilled
predatorial merits cherished like carots
half man half animal, embellished
lowest character plot like a terrorist
fight or flight from assimilation
registered narratives
felons and Hellenists
heathens with melanin
plan B, tramzidole Zoloft Lithium Valium Ritalin
second-guessing my medication
it needs regulations
I Need regulation!
I know regulators!
I used to regulate!
no remorse when regulated
fuck whoever of no relation
No, this ain’t registrated!
erratic respiration
assented trepidation
I can’t afford a tepid nature
my traumatic shocks set tremors about my being
that quakes my status,
and places I’ve been raised in,
subversive behavior,
emerging from basements,
debased with no basis for acting this way,
besides this is the way we make a way through our days,
mazes and cages
I cope, so fuck medication!
fearing a vegetative-
state to keep me on my best behavior,
devastating my consciousness with segmentation
I stick out like decorations
I zone out, patience gets ran out, I’m turned off like the next direction
I hate being questioned
I hate asking questions
I feel stupid, you call me stupid, you’ll feel stupid!
I hang on edges, don’t threaten me with a good flight, never been on airplanes but I’ll do it!
so family secrets kept from surfacing to preserve dignity
but they didn’t realize those secrets enforced mentalities that taught me out of my divinity
I learned the language of scars before love nature planets and stars
I spoke fluent pain in every language,
twinkle twinkle how I wonder what you are
don’t show me love nor shine on me,
I don’t know that language
I’ll feel threatened, unconceal and reveal my weapon and return that damage…or favor
if love is food I’ma die famished as a hopeless manic
I heard it’s an infinite resource but a limited commodity and like bunny rabbits it’s cute but quick to vanish
I’m Ill-advantaged to feel its antics,
all good things banish
I’ll grip the essence like smoke and watch it escapes my hands
and like usually, I end up empty-handed
now there goes any chance for me to transform and transcend this vantage
my eyes are clouded by galaxies of hate fear intolerance and suppressed talents replaced by survival tactics to survive this world of challenges…
while being the disadvantaged
my pain feel as gigantic as state-sized asteroids on a course for earth threatening the end of days or at least apocalyptic conditions
most won’t survive me getting into my feelings!
there’s too much risk assessment to giving into my feelings, so fuck it I’m giving up every feelings
matter fact…
I’ll be as numb as the submerged and largest part of the iceberg unseen and I just won’t have any feelings
I wish I could live in a house that doesn’t have any ceilings
that way only God can always look in on me, I wonder how it would feel to live and not have any secrets
to not have to veil anything, how long would I live with
feeling the only eyes that matter on me as I process the things that occupy my existence, temperature, disposition and the surrounding system minute to minute-
which feels insurmountably persistent to impress upon me lemons and limits
reacting to everything as opposition and competition..
imbued with doubt, lacking confidence and faith in an all-powerful ever-present God’s omniscience
I’m so two dimensioned
but I’m just a black man realizing he’s the product of generational hurt
trying to break the chains of this generational curse
due to my ignorance pigment reciprocated projections and lacking discipline, my generations are cursed
by an evil spell that I can’t reverse
no matter how many attempts I rehearse
changing, nothing will work
if I don’t seek find and then speak the “safe” word
that heals hurt
builds worth
and will kill this generational curse that slithers inside like a tapeworm
that I identify more with than any promise or purpose discerned
as the day burns
but it has to be yearned learned and earned
and maybe this one-sided world, just may begin to turn
that word is…
No Choice
to have to
make a choice
is no freedom
nor real choice at all
it is force!
it is the imposition of control!
we live in a world
where women and children
are not nurtured
nor esteemed
only used as pawns
for toxically masculinized
Anglo dreams
in today’s world
it is truly a matter of consequence
and reflection
to want to not only bear a child
but to see it into this world
when culture, family and values
have been demolished
and are up for sale
now as destructive to one’s being
and livelihood, than at any time in history
rights morals values and character
are as fluid as the amniotic state
and placenta of the woman’s womb
yet in contrast
vastly more unstable and chaotic
ironic our resources quake
war ravages our world
global relations deteriorate by the day
hate rises like trapped heat
along with disease and inflation
and threatens our way of life
as our lowest class expands
and suffers all the more
making the American Dream more hot air
and the cost of living, thin air
that we see to restrict the woman’s inherited
and inalienable rights for control
of her own being and body
what class or color
of people primarily
seek abortions?
what is their quality of life
what political advantages are served
whose agenda is being fulfilled?
who is being pitted against one another
what rhetoric is hiding the true concern and nature
what pawn is being used to substantiate these beliefs
who is not being fully considered
nor respected
how convenient
a country that loves to be experts
experts of non-experience
but of judgement and pontificating
only further oppressing the rights promised
the being, guilt and identity
of its people
creating more anxiety than promise
ahhh I have so much to say
so many ways to phrase what I have to say
so many better ways to say it
rather gentle or crude
and it still doesn’t get to the root
of how sickening this habit is
because it is the same pattern
rife all throughout our country
and this world
its institutions, and their systems
of beliefs, theories
and perspectives
which is downright
chauvinistic manipulative and oppressive
Leaders Lead Fulltime
and here lies the responsibility of opening doors
what’s the point if you’re not there to care for their upkeeping and hold them open?
for what chef prepares an excuse for not tasting of the very courses he hopes to be sold?
At the Mercy of Courage
I brought people together on the yard
after seeing what is replayed on the news
I gave a speech
at Harambee African Cultural Organization
it was entitled, “pure evil”
fro! the New York governors media address
after the mass shooting
of predominantly innocent
black people shopping at a store
on a sunny Saturday
not in the hood where people will shoot back
but cowardly to unassuming people
and I cried all throughout the speech
because I’m hurt
it hurt
because I know this is going to continue
and no one really cares but for a moment
and I felt called to do something unprecedented
instead of express and externalize
hateful energy as vengeance
and ego penance
towards white people
I saw what was going on
puppet masters wrenching our emotions
fueling hate enough until
a man decides to prove he believes what he believes
hoping to awaken other slumberers
believing he’s in a war
and on the other side
people are grieving and reeling
from life loss and continual crimes
against their being
and are getting tired as well
wanting others to wake up
all the while the puppet masters
have us right where we are designed to be
I took it upon myself to call blacks, whites, and Mexicans together
and I spoke to them from the heart
about what’s going on
and the opportunity we have
as well about true history
structures institutions and empathy
and I read my spoken word
I wanted maybe a handful
instead I got almost 30 people
on short notice on the weekend
white people included
the moral to why I’m sharing this
for anyone reading
if you silent
you not doing enough
if you only meditating and praying
you not doing enough
if you only talking to your friends and people that look like you
you not doing enough
it takes courage
it takes embracing discomfort
and finding comfort in the truth you are speaking to
this is what feeds, sustains and nurtures the heart
my message is half a message
if white men were not there
and they had to brave some truth and just listen
while others made faces and remarks beneath
but had no courage to speak
I became the target and the stage
coming in the form of love
as well as offering any opportunity for satisfaction
if anyone felt some kind of way
now that ain’t for everyone
and I had some friends that was weary and didn’t agree
but slowly trickled
and I had some that was riding just because it was me
and listened,
not taking any risk of me going it alone
because they know what I stand for and stand on
I earned that love and trust
it’s different in prison than the free world
you all are much more safe to be courageous
so what are you waiting for
start hearing your neighbor’s pain
hear how you placate it
how you can help heal it
how you may be ignorant of it
turn off your ego
and bleed with someone inside
and don’t just wait to see the blood seep outside
the pain has been there for a long time
and we have been waiting to heal
to feel safe
to feel like people
for a long time.
now what specifically I spoke about on this day
that’s for another day
but for now
get out of your way
and get in the way
of all this hate
cuz it effects us all
…was there shit said afterwards amongst divided crowds
but the seed was planted
and it will germinate upon its own time
all one can do is plant it
and tend to it throughout time
God, the Universe, the Sun
or the natural courses of life
however you reason it be
will do what they do
without my involvement
and over handling
because to want someone to change
on your own time and terms
is not the way of the Heart
but the mind
and its thirsty ego
I threw a good seed
my pocket became empty for the day
and that’s all I can do
my heart spoke
and I answered it