to have to
make a choice
is no freedom
nor real choice at all
it is force!
it is the imposition of control!
we live in a world
where women and children
are not nurtured
nor esteemed
only used as pawns
for toxically masculinized
Anglo dreams
in today’s world
it is truly a matter of consequence
and reflection
to want to not only bear a child
but to see it into this world
when culture, family and values
have been demolished
and are up for sale
now as destructive to one’s being
and livelihood, than at any time in history
rights morals values and character
are as fluid as the amniotic state
and placenta of the woman’s womb
yet in contrast
vastly more unstable and chaotic
ironic our resources quake
war ravages our world
global relations deteriorate by the day
hate rises like trapped heat
along with disease and inflation
and threatens our way of life
as our lowest class expands
and suffers all the more
making the American Dream more hot air
and the cost of living, thin air
that we see to restrict the woman’s inherited
and inalienable rights for control
of her own being and body
what class or color
of people primarily
seek abortions?
what is their quality of life
what political advantages are served
whose agenda is being fulfilled?
who is being pitted against one another
what rhetoric is hiding the true concern and nature
what pawn is being used to substantiate these beliefs
who is not being fully considered
nor respected
how convenient
a country that loves to be experts
experts of non-experience
but of judgement and pontificating
only further oppressing the rights promised
the being, guilt and identity
of its people
creating more anxiety than promise
ahhh I have so much to say
so many ways to phrase what I have to say
so many better ways to say it
rather gentle or crude
and it still doesn’t get to the root
of how sickening this habit is
because it is the same pattern
rife all throughout our country
and this world
its institutions, and their systems
of beliefs, theories
and perspectives
which is downright
chauvinistic manipulative and oppressive
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