how can I walk on a path and foresee the traffic
how can I be more proactive and less reactive
how can I be more attractive and less attracted
how can I be less drastic and less distracted
how can I decrease fractions and be a factor
how can I be wise with math and not add subtractions
how can I whole fragments and embrace abstractions
how can I get into my attic and reveal my highest aspects
that show I’m more than imagined
yet still imagine
that I can be more than I’ve imagine, and then imagine
how can I not get caught in the sap but speak to sadness
how can I increase my vibrations and decrease the static
and senseless chatter
how can I be peace that doesn’t cease in racket
how can I lay down foundations like a mattress
which I can sleep and rise from like magic
never using excuses
but using what lessons produce, then induce it with music
and muse it as passion?
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