I don’t know if this is just black history month
cuz it also feels like remember human dignity month
and remember freedom and liberty huh?
or maybe, my country ’tis of thee
from the positioning
of its victims inflicted by its imprisoning
brought by a system which shits on sympathy
like a psychopathic simile
for advancement and economic remedies
whitewashing traumatic memories
from centuries
of mental and physical bondage and redacting parts of history
so we would know of the stories but the patterns we wouldn’t see
like how they’ve continued the use of dark bodies as batteries
beating and battering
them laterally
to keep from too many gatherings
just enough for them to continue fathoming
fallacies of equality
which to the system is appalling yet their effort is flattering
even compelling your laughter but still is not mattering
no matter how many “we matter” banners, banter, and chattering- charters chartering waters calling for quality with quantity
it still won’t qualify or quell our living hell,
trying quantify to no avail
the designed details preordaining us to fail
and fall
all the while still stagnant and stolen from
after stolen away
from age to age, with aged agony
and the actions of democracy
and democratic travesties
tramples their needs until atrophied
spiritual and mental- but anything, and I mean anything, but physical atrophy
they need the blackest feet
running laboriously like decathlon athletes
then actually
having the unmitigated gall to pit them against each other for entertainment and comedic relief
capitalizing off their casualties
all the while limiting
their resources to continue crippling
their ability
to restore order decorum and form
from their inherent ancestral communalism since you’ve tried manmade diseases
legislating and criminalizing any, every, and all reasons
inducing addictive drugs to heal in phases
importing narcotics and guns while setting the stages
for mental disorders, poverty, and violent rage, and crazes
and yet Still can’t mutilate or assassinate the spunk of their afflicted yet unblemished pigmented energy!
trying for so long to file them down across the board like emery
as media replays violent devastating and mournful imageries
marginalizing them state by state as enemies
public enemies of the state of race-bait and switch by suggestive messaging
to broadcast dark peoples as menacing, month
or maybe we should just stick with black history month
because all the other titles are implicated given the normal person recognizing and reflecting on our country’s accurate depictions of history and everyday life for its Afro-American citizens and their monumental and continual contributions to
“my country tisssss of thee,
you know, the
sweet- land- of- li-berty
of- thee- I- sing…
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