voracity as opposed to veracity
you can NOT, be timid
you must be ferocious!
you have to broach the conservative posts and host the onus–
for the new status quotas,
and vanguard the new standards formed
engrossed in the tumultuous mulch of high hopes versus
oaths cloaked in postponement
and poach the lines of encroachment
and own it!
embracing each proponent and component of opponents
knowing they are only lessons appearing adversarial at first,
all wrapped in moments like togas
willing to be whistled for offsides and offense
to set a new rule that prods and pokes pretense
and doesn’t masquerade mask nor pretend,
because your presence contends with reticence in the setting of new precedence
damn it, you may even have to be heretical if not only blasphemous!
lead by the samples of your examples to be sampled for example of how the mantle can be handed and handled by the sampled examples of your example!
you have to track the tapestry of travesty and tragedy and trace the trajectory of triumph and tribulation
leaving a tire’s trail, temperature, and totem
as a tale of your tape to be taped measured,
outlined and cut out from a different thread count of cloth
forming a T-shirt you clothe yourself in and wear proudly, boldly, audaciously!
modeling the new trend of a self-determination not to be trifled with, tricked, or trampled on!
your past is but a trailer not your titanic
your presence is your tried and true trident and trophy!
and your future is your tailor,
fitting your ties tuxedos and gowns on your fruitful road to fruition
a message should never tire nor expire
but inspire the entire out and inliers to aspire
to transcend the crossed wires and rewire a new attire
a new desired empire of revolutionary sympathizers
where the revolutions of evolution are the essential contribution of the message, being-
the messengers always build on and go further!
finding comfort in going higher!
with new insights that inspire the entire empire!
to never expire nor retire but proudly perspire
as you seek incite invite and ignite new movements within each new generation from their ancestral advisors
chomping at the bit with incisors amidst criticizers to legitimize a new tool that was once aforementioned as illegitimate
by prejudicial prerequisites placing most at deficits
but now this new legitimacy is almost likened to intimacy being a ‘too legit to quit’ vision of
rebellion against antebellum rhetoric and neo-liberalisms ‘inch by inch’ incentives making progress never too far from revisionism
masked by political savvy jousts, debased debating decorum, privileged quips, and legal penmanship
but the ‘new’ definite
this existential exigence is the breath of the new exodus
experience over an expert’s testament
and our spirits are the infinite weapon no longer being insufficient or impotent for its invisibleness but
a continuing symbolism of a prevailing wisdom that
a consciousness risen renders the fears of any physical feats until
those feet can’t help but to leap stride run with relentless fervor
not exempt of fear but full of courage because it epitomizes limitlessness
fore bravery is but a fear faced
and if it hasn’t dawned on you yet
I am the dawn of a new dawn
what I am saying is
I will fear no form in no form or fashion
and my fashion is formlessness formed by former fears I faced until I formed this fashion
I will persevere through,
and penetrate any structures and spheres that impose upon my being to be a limitless expressive being
I don’t and won’t
do not and will not
allow fear to have the last word!
even when I feel it trying to pry upon my surface, demanding to be served
I will silence it like the finalizing bang of a judges gavel
issuing a decree that is subject to nothing but love-
that illustrious fruit which blossoms from the majestic tree of life!
because I already have that which I desire the moment I decided it is mine for me to have
potential is but a process for claiming, for realization
the road to actualization, manifestation
and none
no one
can take that from me
a gift is given, not taken
and I have gifted myself to desire to build onto what I have been born gifted with
handling my god-given gifts with grace
so it grates greed into a grave grounded by gravity
which I glide upon, standing strongly and high above my lows and woes as WayOfLife Wardlow
I’ve worked tirelessly to harness and continue mastering this limitless energy
some moments more finicky trying to finesse this infinite chemistry into an ethereal synergy
your sanctions and arbitrary rules laws and structures will not forecast by disposition belief nor ability
my perception bows to no-thing established in fear or impermanent and earthbound,
not even my own personas unless it is my ‘two sons’ like, Arizona
reverence to my parents and all that loved me into being
I am and will remain to ever embolden my audacity
I transcend this body by my body of work ignited by my bodiless body’s body of work!
and the spirit never gets tired and only knows how to put in work!
and I’m done trying to teach it debilitating depressive regressive and limiting tricks
and if you choose not to recognize this state I speak of as if it actually exists
this state of normality at each of our core, than that is your prerogative
and maybe I can reach you in your own time and space, just as I too was reached in mine
because subservience to fear and to the subjugation of emotions manipulated to keep me docile coddled and stuck in place is not my idea of freedom!
if right now you adhere to an over fear of form and a catering capitulation to the functioning formalities created thenceforth,
then my reality will always be one of quite some nerve
and you may then substitute it from what I believe to be normalcy,
to what you may believe to be one of audaciousness…that is, if your adjectives could be so kind
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