is the apple bad
because it a worm was found
is the apple already claimed
and now, both home and meal
to a creature compelled by its nature
never straying
created and animated from a source
no different than mine
what would make the worm lesser
and me, greater?
besides my powerless ignorance
to shun the divine
and how long is the kingdom
of might, when my foot
can become the God
of the worm’s plight?
is my power in the very choice
of mercy or murder
and the perception of the apple
being spoiled or perfect
what great lesson
can become of one’s own illusions
if one can not recognize
relations and influence
is it not the energy of possession
which has so possessed me
believing I have inherited all
confusing the very truth I seek
and if the world is a book
which I am learning to read
the moral is in how I see the world
isn’t necessarily how the world sees me
are not humans like the worms
consumed by consumption
with forgotten hearts
and full stomachs?
upon further thought
I have come to learn
how I view myself
reflects, how I view the worm
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