do not the poles of the earth
bring about the equator
just as the poles of the body
bring about equilibrium?
and has not my thyroid
and adrenal glands
brought about harmony
to the biology of my being
acting as northern and southern poles
representing both brain and sex
and their interdependence
like Husband and Wife?
and if so,
has not my fertile mind
and the consciousness it emits
become that of a Father to me?
and the vitality of its seed
going forth into the fertile womb
of my all-consuming heart
bringing the will of me, into being, like my Mother?
well, Mother
I crave your nurturing
fore I know it is you
who knows all my worries and triumphs
and I can not tell you
that which you have not already known
balancing my will with humility, a craft
steadying me from the force of my Father
there are things
I wish to speak solely to you
knowing you will understand
but I ask for your steadiness
even as you take on the gravity
of my weighty emotions
and the mighty fetters
of my thoughts
because I will not
offer you what you know not
but the reality of me knowing
my Father, as much as you-
may cause you to shudder
in your waters
creating ripples
from disturbances I now recognize
like a child, witnessing abuse
his mind was shielding him from
forfeiting memory for preservation
now harkening back onto what was hidden
you’ve protected me long enough
Mother, the world demands I know it
and I have, but now
Father, summons my knowing be directed
and I cry for the seeds of my Father
fallen on barren ground
Mother, your vitality has waned
and you do not produce like once before
I am in a state of chaos, fore I have lost my balance
feeling cold and naked from distance of love
the land has been trampled
by conquests of the senses
there is not enough field
for the plow
and there is too much desire
for the yield
the eyes have become insatiable
and the hands numb
for no one knows home
nor what they have in their grasp
extremes have shaken foundations
the poles are lived on
the highs and lows are too much
growth has underdeveloped
no one knows who they are
they have lost their names,
disregarded their ancestors
bury traditions and shun history with malcontent
malice has entered the palace
and the youth roam
until their energy drains
lost to idleness and idolatry
where are you Mother?!
I know you see this
you’ve been silent for too long!
but what words have you?!
soon as uttered
you are attacked swiftly
no one cares of your wisdoms
fore they can’t possess you
like the sword which slashes down
the swordsman, O Mother!
I’ve felt invisible like you
but ashamed of my existence
for what I see, makes me
want to cover myself
my guilt runs over
like cups of drunkards
because I have played a part
no belly’s know their fill
nor mind, it’s heart
the true just and righteous life, is orphaned
for where is the unity
of husband and wife
of father and mother
of king and queen
where is the bond
of love consummated
kids created
and kingdoms combined
the lands revel in their division
and the throne has no heir
for profit speaks its prophecy
and the poor no leader
the lineage of their ruler
is crowned in red
and the descendants of truth
have been muddied into obscurity
words are hollow shepherds
symbols are debauched
God is mocked
and life is found in the wandering flocks
who do I trust at this time
but you,
though no one listens to their mothers
they have abandoned their kids
fore no parent recognizes their offspring
let alone themselves
but I call to you,
O’ Mother, come home!
fore I have heeded and discerned
contemplated the legacy of my Father
disciplining disruptions I suffer
and it was not solely logic hence I learned
experience sent me into the wild
and I have come back with a message
my body, and the truth it bears
I am ready Mother, groom me for the throne
for the King, has returned
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