what is politics
but the antics
of semantics
between vantage
and ad-vantaged
planning to manage
the dis-advantaged
where few land
and most are stranded
as perspective pans
the swollen glands
of the beast which we least withstand
black sheets of loose leaf-
from slaughtered trees we plant!
as hierarchies
quibble over scribbled uncivil laws patriarchy drives
on the scrawls of life as time scrolls
swatting at flies on the wall
trying to not pan-ic
from issues…
of abandonment
abnegated to apathy
alienated with aggression
displaced anger anchored in anxious trance states enchanted
belly’s fam-ished!
and hearts ban-daged!
and scars bran-dished!
and bodies ban-ished!
and spirits van-ished!
all because the purpose of politics is
the position of antebellum an-tics!
will the human, remain?
skeletal structures taken for gran-ted
persevering decomposition beneath feet of gran-ite
buried or plan-ted?
depends on your van-tage
so what is progress?
maaaan shiiiiit.
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