is this mic on?
are these lights on?
my thoughts when I was first born
after one big stretch, I came forth on this stage of life with a huge yawn
as I was reincarnated from infinity and beyond
a new destined truth had just spawned
from dusk,
til the settled dust and rust and specs of dirt and trampled earth before the next dawn
my vertebrae erect, my head held high, my chest expanded, my abdomen tightened, my breath deep as I opened my eyes and reached out my arms
I felt life
I embraced, life
even in prison, my body imprisoned, my body cast by the walls of prison, my body an extension of this prison caste system
I still feel life
and I want you all to feel it with me
then recreate with me
I want everybody reading or listening to this right now to be radicals!
I desire you to break down all the structures and their walls
all the names, labels, titles and definitions to the language you speak
I want you all to close your mind, open your hearts, turn up the volume of your spirits and dream with me!
clear your thoughts
ignore logic, forget age and be as free as a child with me
empty yourself of all emotions
and be as weightless as a feather
imagine feeling your being, being completely free
now draw forth your divine will and create with me in this moment
we are going to escape our bodies
we are going to transcend all forms
and recreate the canvass of existence from the undifferentiated mindset of complete oneness
colors only describe frequencies but have no names
justice will be recreated
truth will be whole and known
love will be inescapable
pain will be understood
joy will be the voice of the spirit
success will be the health of the world
earth will be the vehicle for experience
nature, the vehicle for the body
and your body the vehicle for God
and we will all walk in the embodied omnipresence of our creator!
expressing through the accessed powers of omniscience and omnipotence
influencing our realities through and only with, truth
emotions expressing our divinity, not insecurities
existing peacefully with our innately balanced being, and so we are
in harmony, synchronicity, serenity, serendipity
and so we are, the manifested order in the chaos
of darkness, confusion, and the illusions of loss
and so we are, One
and now, we create
with the duality of our being,
bodies encasing eternal spirits and nameless souls
combining both sacred and secular as a lifestyle
feminine and masculine, equal in our complimentary functions
and let it be so, as we bring forth form to formlessness
and our kids run free with purpose
and us adults run free from prisons with our kids
in the likeness of God, together, with purpose
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