to know what you are
you must see something alike
to know who you are
you must see something alike,
that acts unalike
and so I told my celly
I know I’m a person
because there are many others characterized the same as I
making me a part of a species
I know what I like
by experiencing the things I do not like
to know who you are
you must experience who you are not
something and someone in opposition
to your convention or position
therefore, how I know I’m going out of my way
is because you never go out of yours
and normally I wouldn’t allow
who someone is,
to dictate who I am
but when I am being who I am-
trying to become,
you make me feel like
you think that it may be something
which it is not
and you seem too used to this thing
you may think that it is
therefore, to stop any further confusion
ima be who I need to be
in relation to you and me
no longer shall I go out of my way
in my way, Way must stay
from here on
therefore at times one must be
whom one is not
to protect that which one truly is
and so this is the battle
to end the impending uncivil war of
wars, worlds, and words
because this is a nature
I’m all too familiar with
as you are also
though it illustrates the first word
of my last name
‘oh word?’
yea, word
but it’s all one
now that we made a sentence
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