a person died…inside of here
he could’ve been saved
but the responders…correctional officers
were slow of feet and care
taking the long way instead of through the grass
walking back to get the gurney instead of running
standing over him while waiting for a gurney
and then, finally then, they attempted CPR
maybe they assumed he was high
but they didn’t value his breath, nor his time
time which he had been paying for with his life
day in and day out, inside of prison
and as I watched from the moment he fell-
ghostly white-
to the time he was carted out
I thought about those themes
and patience
so while you have been telling me…
urging us rather, to be patient
another inmate died
right before our eyes
no mourners or grievers
just back to business as usual
after all, we only have so much yard time in a day
6 hours at max, if you wanted to know
but also while we’ve been being patient
freedom has been lost
more people have came into prison, than released
paroles have been revoked
more have died at the hands of police brutality
and corrections negligence
opportunities have come and gone
and nothing has remotely changed
but I’m being good and patient
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