why are questions so threatening?
there’s so many threats I want to ask?
so many deeply personal threats
if a question is threatening, then why should it obey lines
all threats cross lines
or threaten to
and I am a threat!
a proud one
because even the light cheers in the dark
although the dark writhes in anguish from lights intrusion
light never asks
at least I do
if I’m able to see, I should be able to inquire
if my mind constantly wonders, I shouldn’t allow it to wander
it needs to know
things that go unasked, go unknown
and so to, direction
who taught you to be so private?
what made you so repressive and suppressive?
who, or what, taught you to be so secretive and guarded?
my questions threaten you, but your fear of answers oppress me!
what created those fears of giving and receiving answers?
answers help you as well as the asker
when you say it, you give power to it
why take away or limit a power you have?
what goes in, must come out
but contrary to belief,
what goes out, creates for more to come in
you are never too full
and what you give, you don’t lose
it gives back
holding onto what’s limitless-
as if it is limited-
limits life
exposure is a key aspect of both life and growth
all things must come to, and know light
exposure, with composure that is
questions are simple, but received with complexity
I am simply complex, I suppose
well I have a simply complex threat to ask,
why is the runner, rewarded
and the seeker, punished?
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