black people don’t have the best history in America…
well there’s more to this statement,
this can apply to almost anything black in America
but when it comes to medicine malpractice and experimentation
nor do poor people
and so when you place poor people in prison
barely care for their health
disregard the living situation you put them in
then ask them if they want a vaccine to help them
well uh, trust isn’t high on our list
people don’t trust prisoners
and we do not trust yaw
even at our own detriment
so fuck that needle
we want our shot at freedom
but there’s no telling what you may put in it
so we might not make it back from that shot
everyday in here is already a death penalty
we not trying to speed up that reality
just cause you got it for cheap
call us jaded, we learned from you
but threaten and wager our visits,
you got our attention
then risk we will
so shoot us up!
and we’ll sing like the Hamilton play-
“I’m not throwing away my, SHOT!”
because all jokes aside,
being forgotten and unseen is a far worse fate
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