often we do the things we have yet to do
what started off in our mind
was still lived
just not expressed
I watched you
I went to a stall
my only privacy
from the things that pry at me
what has already died in me
what stays alive in me,
and the things that continue to die in me
all three which disguises me
but I cried
inside of my stalled hide N seek
because you spoke a truth so potent
and sacred
that only emotions could respond
for the lack of what any words could begin to convey
I saw your pain
I was your pain
I am your pain
I ‘feeeeeel’ your pain
often looking for those with exact experiences just to decompress
but the contrast is what offers the most healing
how else can differences blend
then amend
making amends
that no longer depend
to depend
with the need to defend
or pretend
but rather ascend
because all, tends to end
and then, begin
acquaintanceship, relationship, and friendship
narrated by-
a whole hearted, spiritual, and soulful shaking of hands
a knowing,
where gender age and color bear no relevance
only the correspondence between stars and earth
as above
so below
journeying highs and lows
like a ship embracing the waves of the sea
we all communed
knowing that it was life we felt
and life we sought
situations losing the need of mirrored pain
because as I recognized your story
I saw mine
possible generations gender and geographics between us
and still you reached me
because we went to the same place
and wrote it out
finding freedom,
in moments we were once prisoners of
truth is like a schadenfreude
and masochist
truth is also liberating
and purposeful
making us all free within it
in our own dualistic ways I suppose
truth made a warrior cry
I’m almost beyond the shame of it all
whether a Jewish 13 year old girl hiding to live
ultimately dying because who she was
in my own way…
I get it Anne Frank
and maybe, I didn’t just cry for me
nor just for you
but for us
us that hide to survive
and still feel fated for death
without a full chance at life
that’s been my feeling for 32 years
living your years twice
before I found the courage to write my truth
in the midst of my fear and pain
that you had discovered at only 13
symbolically, 13 was supposed to free my people too
but you know as good as anyone
freedom is more than documentation
but the people you freed in your departure
because the unlikely courage you found fleeing genocide
has spanned across the globe
and now I too, share your spirit
here in America,
one of many disciples of you, Anne Frank
the Original Freedom Writer
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