Picturing Pictures within a Picture-
though the Big Picture, never alludes me,
smaller Parts working in tandem for something bigger
blending instead of blaring
a heightened idea of the whole,
or the collective sacrificed for
Piecing Peaceful images Posed inside Paradigms of Perimeters-
seeing you, eases all I go through inside,
Picturing Peace…
Pictured Pieces of-
Punishment and Pain,
Power and Potentiality,
Promises and Possibilities,
Patience and Perseverance,
Process and Progress,
Paradoxes and Paragons,
Pythagorean Perceptions and Poignant Postures
Poetic Perspectives and Philosophical Prose-
I see you in every aspect of life,
Perfection and Purpose-
Perusing with Precision Paralleling your Path
you are a sight to be seen
you are,
Picture Perfect!
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