Gotta get used to talking about myself if I want the world to know me
eh mhm, speaking for myself-
I’m a real raw deep and a passionate individual, strong dedicated with a destination but just not sure exactly what direction and avenues that are definite.
I guess I’m just used to paving my own paths, but I’m not confident that the world will allow that once I come back to it after the past I came from.
Im kinda sarcastic goofy and witty, spontaneous, funny, but poetic.
I don’t like selling myself because I’m used to speaking others up, deflecting my lack of self confidence that has followed me like a shadow my whole life, even at moments now.
Words are great, but can be thin and manipulating, if not just misleading, so I’m more of an experience.
I live in moments, in the action, not the prelude, though I like suspense, I’m more apt to change the ending with anything but normal twists and turns, because I like being audacious and daring.
Pressing buttons and comforts is exciting.
I like authenticity, and wish people can just roll of vibes instead of over thinking feelings, that way I dont feel too weird by not adhering to social norms that only serve to repress than flourish our ability to connect naturally. I’ve turned this dark moment into light, so I can see my way out on the other side, I just prefer someone there to meet me.
We’ll see.
I’m more me than I’ve ever been now, even though I’m in prison, I’m Free!
Ironic I know.
I do miss meeting new faces…free faces, and connecting with women most, uh, what’s a man without them?
Not much, I figured that much out myself but regardless of my situation I won’t settle or put up, that led to too many problems in my yesterdays, what’s lessons if not learned from?
I’m not one to hide or deny my affection.
I mean at the core we all just want to feel like somebody feels us right? Wanting someone to take leaps and chase passion with, embracing difference and making each moment mean something.
That’s why instead of just writing poetry, I want to create it with not only the world, but someone willing to spend a few moments with me, and learn my truth, and share theirs, because life is art, and each moment is poetic, so hopefully you’ll see the beauty in reading this, and get the feeling that I’m just like you.
Memories can either start with a hi or a bye, I’ve had enough bye’s over the years to never forget what it feels like, so I wanna experience something different, I want more Hi’s and highs in my life
I’ve been spoken for by so many titles and past actions, that speaking for myself is almost strange.
Maybe someone will like or at least accept my spoken word, I mean, what’s a story or writing without the author’s voice?
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