What are we trying to do right?
If we are activists, then what are we speaking to?
Social inequalities and injustices, mass incarceration and prison reform, and a more whole society where all kinds of people are accepted
But how do we do that?
We create organizations and speakers to go out and spread those messages in order to better perform humanitarian acts right
And a lot of these socially conscious people have a holistic or spiritual lifestyle
but what is that
Well if we say that’s who we are, then in that lifestyle we understand the necessary nature of all things, the complimentary relationship of all, and that we are all one, so all things impact each other
yet we go about creating change by separating and tackling symptoms but not digging for the roots to see the causes
It’s like we get stuck on the business side of things where we have to direct a mission statement that tackles identifies and directs itself to an easily absorbable problem in order to be digested by many and then we lock in on that one avenue, but cures tackle a multitude of things from a multitude of ways
but humanitarianism inside of capitalism gets reverted to business and a business has a one track mind of problem and solution, supply and demand, results results results
now you can’t go at the roots, because you need to show financial viability, we get lost in our immediacy, here and now, short attention span world that we only serve instant gratification
we cater to trends instead of courageously creating new trends-new waves innovated to get more people lost at sea to shore, instead of creating content and delivering it in a way that demands attention, we just say people have no time, now by shortcutting the process we short change the impact and the people we are trying to help
we’re scared of risk tho this is all risque
When trying to change things we have to speak about everything, the conditioned mindset, compassion and empathy capacity, by informing and relating, speaking of experiences and trauma not only the system, it has to be personalized, because the system is made by flawed people, but the system is just a thing done by people, it’s not a person, we need to be champions of people, not systems.
Words have meanings and connotations, the broad strokes we paint over process experience and solution does more to disconnect with the paths of certain people, solutions need a personal touch
we seek anecdotes with various methods that are tone deaf, so I searched synonyms that painted a picture of how most people go about finding anecdotes
as follows:
nostrum-an untested and questionable remedy made of secret ingredients, an ineffective solution…
this perpetuates a cycle of diagnose and need
panacea-a universal solution for all problems, diseases, or woes…
but all classes and experiences aren’t created equal
Impasse-a situation that seems to offer no solution or escape, a point of stalemate…
the flaws of a system narrate this definition
Catholicon-a universal remedy…
sounds Catholic, kind of passively coercive
Ratiocinate-to work toward the solution of a problem through logical thinking and reason…
but where does spirituality apply?
In order to want to help people you have to be able to get in touch with your humanity and willingness to listen outside of what you believe you know, in order to do that we have to be comfortable with digging deep, and if that’s hard then we have to have people around that help and make that journey safe and show how to safely do that, we have to reintroduce proper love of others and love of self
we do that by our stories, sharing our truth, so people can see where we are similar, makimng it easy to listen trust and unite, while not seeing our personal beliefs as lines of separation but as doors of oppurtunity to share oneself with another, both by teaching and learning, thereby creating understanding, a common ground
When I’m released, I will go out and work for universal unity, and through that we will create ever lasting relationships consciousness empathy and compassion that will better our society and its forgotten hurt lost angry confused and anxious souls
Working for a better justice economic health and prison system, social responsibility and accountability to each other thru music poetry spoken word performance art and my story, because in order to create true change, we can’t tackle one issue at a time, we have to tackle a lifestyle and embrace the uncomfortable moments it takes in creating it
this WayOfLife-style is love life liberty and enjoyment, and we live that by being bold in our sobering truths
in order for many groups and colors in America to arrive at the awareness and privilege that exists now, which still needs more evolution, they had to embrace being uncomfortable and believe themselves equally worthy of love and liberty
So my moniker is WayOfLife, my way is of love because love is the highest truth, Instead of being comfortable with only parts of someones truth, let’s be bold enough to love them because their full truth, even the things you may not agree with because it’s what makes them them, and you you, there is a harmony to that, a balance and equality struck of allowance
we will be better served if we get out of this force mindset, and start becoming more allowing of peoples peace space and process, only influencing by enlightenment, not entitlement nor enforcement of ideals and methods
So I will be the actionist, because it’s about ACTION, and I will speak and act for the human soul heart body mind and spirit, highlighting the human condition and its cultures, regardless of color although I will make concerted efforts to make aware the plights of my culture and even the culture of others and my experiences walking in the shoes of many different identities from apologist to conformist to alien to lost to light
let’s not keep waiting for moments of tragedy to remind and ignite us to Action
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