Being paroled has to do with time served and remorse.
The only flaw in that is most of our acts of remorse is voluntary and not put on record
so its a matter of what we say vs what they choose to believe.
Remorse and Contrition is only valid within shallow detached parameters they set-
which are narrow vague and barely effective programs
and avoiding misconduct reports
based on petty rules inconsistently enforced
depending temperament of C.O.’s
hey don’t hear about our community outreach
future goals
educational achievements
bridging parental gaps
mending relationships
volunteer peer guidance tutoring and encouragement
coordinating inmate ran religions and clubs
nor of my friend that secretly takes a vow of silence on the anniversary of the victim of his crime
he feels it
but they’ll never know.
They rather read a paper
not the person.
Pushing soulless unacclimated programs
which build walls between us and the walls.
We wait behind
We aren’t disconnected
Paper is the disconnect
They are disconnected.
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