We have to wake the hell up! We have to get involved and get out of our own ways and our own problems and start seeing that there are people out there, right where you live, or down the street, or the next town around, or that you drive by on the street, or at your job, school or church, that are really suffering. People who really need a break, people who really have no idea how to help themselves, let alone, how to seek help for themselves. People that lack the know how, the community resources and support-both familial and societal, to be able to lift themselves from the human conditions of struggle and suffering.
We all struggle, but not all suffer. But I ask, why is it so many that suffer, still have a big enough heart to help most and offer their last? Because THEY, understand the depths of suffering. Their selflessness confuses most people, the reason is because people are so self absorbed and selfish. What do we get out of life just helping ourselves, and doing just enough, yet nothing more when it comes to helping our neighbors to better our world, that we, our kids, and future generations will inhabit?
We are in a crisis of humanity! Because we are rapidly LOSING our Human Unity-humanity! When we just toss money blindly into causes or people hands that need, its a good gesture, but its not enough! Action! Action is what is required, following up, informing, researching and then giving with a Purpose, not just as an act of temporary kindness to feel better about yourself. News flash, that problem you toss money at for a moment, will still be ailing tomorrow! Money isn’t magic, involvement is. I’ve seen people so lost in life that they ran to prison, they aren’t here because they are bad, but because they have been neglected, and are lost, and scared, and don’t know what to do or where to go, and fear death enough to not kill themselves.
I’ve seen people too scared of freedom that they mess up on purpose in order to stay in prison longer, or they get in trouble once out so they can come back. They lack help, they lack resources, they lack Love! That’s what the world is lacking in, you can’t understand without Empathy, and you can’t Empathize without Love!
Love can go so far and do so much for so many or…for just one. Just. One. It’s a fight, it isn’t easy, you will be uncomfortable, you will feel guilt and shame, but you WILL make an impact. That impact is a wave of energy that reciprocates into a force where people pass on the love and care that was given to them.
I saw this guy fresh out of prison on the street with a plastic bowl hoping for change, and he hadnt eaten since the previous day, but he saw a man about ready to get a parking ticket from the meter, so he put his coins in the meter…little did he know he was being watched on a prank show. But what shocked the pranksters was this black man’s genuine heart to give his last, stating that he knows how bad luck feels and he hadn’t had much luck or support, but he just wanted to help, and that it was just coins….JUST COINS! The prank dude started to cry and gave him all the money in his pocket, the guy was shocked and hesitant, never having that much money given to him by anyone in his life..he was rewarded by giving his last when he had Nothing. Just Coins. Yet so many that have much to offer rather speak of how much they lack or need. Perspective folks!
Someone is somewhere doing worse than you…but does that matter? Really?! Then what are you going to do about it?..For real though, what? Or will that be put off for the next new “stress or priority” that you have to deal with first? The essential nature of activism is taking action, fighting for people whom can’t fight for themselves within a world and system that bullies the weak and less fortunate. Taking action, that’s all that is required. Getting involved. Informing yourself. Empathy. Empathy is the autonomous engine that will spur on Action, because Empathy feels deeply and shares that suffering, then unitedly works to find relief. Struggle and Suffering are the loudest instruments ever played, until Love comes around and deafens them both with its pure pitch and cadence.
So many people make such a big fuss over the word sacrifice, but what truly is sacrifice if all and what you valued has no real value at all with all things considered. If we simply place value on and desire the material things that will only decay, then we will become just like our values and desires, and decay along with them. All sacrifice is, is loving even when you’re hurt, providing strength even when you feel weak, healing others even while being wounded yourself, standing for those that can’t get back up yet, speaking for those that don’t know the words, finding those that are lost and letting them know that you may not have all the answers, but you get it and you are in it with them.
Yea, hearing it out loud, sacrifice sounds like a lot, but a life is just one. I guess it comes down to how many things you want to do with this one life. One thing great, or many things good, with many lives changed, by your One life. All it takes is One. If you been snoozing, just Wake up, see the world, and then fight to stay Woke. Or, stay sleep, living lifeless blind and empty. Every choice is free, but not every mind that makes the choice is. So what are you? I know I’m in prison, but that’s a structure not an identity. Connections, not all have them, so get connected within your community or in others.
There is no community without connection, there is no society without communication, and there is no humanity nor culture without commonalities. We can make a difference by making up the distance, not making more distance and keep most distant. Suffering can be saved, that’s the good in it, because there’s good in all, even and especially, in you, And the weak. Our worst speaks, even when we are silent-Prose of a Con, but there is a good in every bad-Pros of a Con
Get Active, Get Activate
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