Let me dive in your mind
and come out with every diamond I find
Your blush, skin flush, from your blood rush, is a river of rubies
You shimmer, glow, and glitter like new jewelry
Your aura is a fire-like buoyance of blue and violet gemstones
Pearls adorn your smile, canary heat perfectly bathes your skin tone
Sapphire sets fire to your nails, aurora like highlights illuminates your hair
Pink birthstones flourish upon the surface of your lips, honey-dew and flecks of green Emeralds litter your glare
You are more elemental than flesh
Your background is laden with gold encrusted river beds
Costly your value, uncapped by the rarity of your form
A cosmic collage of organic cosmetology, meets cosmopolitan flamed by confidence, makes you foreign
I can wear you in your birthday suit, and receive the grandeur of Forbes
Melancholy Medusa, captivated yet frozen by the platinum gaze of your orbs
I dig you, a romantic excavation of your hearts ore
Crystal clarity, diamond beauty…let me dive in your hardcore
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