God…I know we don’t talk a lot
but I’m trying not to cave to the caverns of society
my distance and difference gives me negative notoriety
hide me hide me hide me!
Anxiety, driving me, violently
sirens inciting me, I need silence inside of me, privacy!
quiet the noises, I struggle with voices
second guessing my choices, paranoia
I struggle to escape these life draining…expectations
judgement is only skin deep, exempt of excavations
exclamation, exclamation, exclamation
how do you explain patience? Amidst internet and instant gratification?
When need is saturated and driving us more, when need is driving me on
my knees collide with the floor, daydream a lot because I’m torn-
away from reality, rain on my window pane, my reality drips..
Awake is no vacation, but I need reality trips
life is torture, fighting metaphysical forces
belief, thoughts and emotions, belief, thoughts and emotions, belief, thoughts and …fortress!
Overwhelming, old wounds now new, gauzed yet bleed and seep open
grief, lost in commotion
me, lost in the ocean
sink, hard to keep floating
I tread the weight of misery, not water
and misery loves company, but company gets martyred
marginalized, I’m trying not to cave-in
to the pressures surrounding me, thought I’m already caged-in
see God, this life was prison before prison, but thanks for listening…Amen
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