Realize I define Defy when I speak
Defy, I defied the tides of this sea
Denied, my reply, I’m tied to this dream!
Defiant, a lion, alive, I don’t sleep
Aligned with defiance, a light when I think
Like science, I’ve tried it, and I’m on the brink
Poseidon’s trident on my side, waters subside, I won’t sink
Collide with the skies like I’m flying, Orion, I’m dying to meet
Like a pilot defying my peak
Defying Goliath, with Defy as my rock, tied to a sling
It seems,
We all been lost in the dark
Trying to find truth in the light
Yet we are blinded by sight
Stuck in denial until we realize
Pain is real life!
Body language incites and ignites
The changing of minds
So we can either fade in time
Or stand tall, climb out our disguise and defy
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