How channeled
We wake, every day, safe, to a stained forever in mornings
I just spoke with an angel
That lives with faith, every day, ordained by her way, yet just lost some feathers from mourning
and still
Before the sun rays, bake her face, she places her fate in adorning
A God
That she praises, while amazed by his grace, as she prays like a saint, for patience through her aches as
She’s soaring
What I am saying is…
Even though she’s an angel, she goes through the same pain that we all feel in our life
Growth is a painful process that she endures and embraces through her faith in Christ
Her belief in a plan and purpose, helps her weather the pain beneath her surface, so she, even weakened to
Her knees, speaks that she believes joy will come through her mourning
So every day that we wake, maybe we all should embrace a belief strong enough to chase, so we can all
Taste that everlasting joy in the morning
I just spoke with an angel…
The lessons I still learn and love I still see even in your grief, amazing…
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